I am in the middle of the arduous medical clearance process for the Peace Corps. It has been 15 months since my initial application; 12 months since my nomination; and three months until my anticipated departure date. I've been obsessively reading blogs of Peace Corps volunteers from Ukraine to Namibia trying to form some idea in my head of what this will be like. Of course- I remain totally clueless.
All I know is I will tentatively (Peace Corps' favorite word) be teaching science in the Africa region and leaving in October.
As I'm sitting on cushions on the floor of my Philadelphia row house writing this, I realize how spoiled I am. Pad thai, Reisling and air conditioning will probably be distant dreams in a matter of months. Amelia and Shara will be 7,000 miles away and new faces will have replaced their constant presence in my life. No more amusingly blatant questions about heterosexuality. No more Netflix marathons. No more on-call schedules and no more $1.99 organic deserts from Whole Food.
As for my family- my Dad and Terrie will be living vicariously through me. If not, I'll be sadly disappointed. My Mom will be painfully resigned to the fact that I actually did this: I honestly moved across the globe to subject myself to poverty, exotic disease and what she views as a constant threat to life. Is that a realistic impression of a continent as vast as Africa? I have no room to judge- I still love you, Mom, no matter how weird and sordid your impressions of Africa.
All I know is I better get some letters and I better get some visitors. And if any of you get married while I'm gone you will feel my wrath!! You can't wait two years?! Come on!
(you know who you are)
I should get my medical clearance within two weeks - I've been in obnoxiously close contact with OMS (Office of Medical Services) - and I will post all the updates I have! Until I get an official date, the countdown can't begin, but keep your fingers crossed!
more than life.