Well, my freebie Christmas in the U.S. has been splendid! According to the original plan, I should be in southern Africa right now, celebrating with knee-length skirts, no turkey and a sub-tropical breeze blowing my dirty hair. Instead, I got to see the snow one more time and hang out with my family and my best good friends in America!
But I must remind myself, Self! Enjoy it while you can!
Just after New Years Day, I should get that exciting phone call from the Peace Corps' travel agency to schedule my flight. Woo! So hurry up and get back to your offices, government employees! In the meantime, if you want to brush up on my soon-to-be-home, check out these very helpful (government-approved) websites! :)
http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/1841.htm [A little boring via the Department of State]
http://www.paraguay.com/ [Brush up on your Spanish!]
And for something a little more exciting than Paraguay's economy and military historic, click HERE