07 April 2011

Ciao, Training!

Well, one more week of training and then they boot me out into the real world. The real world, by the way, is pathetically close to a major city and the people there are generally educated and healthy. I'm spoiled.

Now that I have my site assignment and have visited my future site, things became much more concrete- I will no longer be plagued by the ambiguity of "It depends," as an answer to every question. My site has requested that focus on the problem of teen pregnancy specifically as well as working with adolescents in the school regarding things like dental health, hygiene and sex education. I'll also be working with pregnant women and special needs medical groups including diabetes, hypertension and terminal illness. I couldn't be happier with my site assignment and I am pumped to get back there OFFICIALLY next week. Two years.... here we go!

Now that I have a decent grip on the Paraguayan culture I thought I'd share some insights. I'm not an expert yet but I think I have enough experience with culture shock at this point that I can safely determine a few things. The following are randomly arranged strange Paraguayan.... things.

-Churizo-flavored cheese puffs
-Excessive polyester/cotton blends
-To be considered hard-working, just eat a lot
-Babies drink coke here. Straight from their baby bottle.
-Birthday parties are held for people who are no longer alive. This means that almost every day of the year is a party for someone... a birthday party for a living person, a birthday party for a dead person, a deathday party for a dead person....
-To be thin is to be unhappy.

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