16 February 2011

I´ve never had so many conversations about poop

Hi friends!

So here I am in Paraguay! I am living in the campo (countryside.... seriously) and fighting off mosquitoes and intestinal parasites for dear life but overall I´m doing really well. Contributing to that fact are the awesome people training with me and the fact that Paraguayans are, in general, super friendly people who think its funny to listen to you learn Guarani. Speaking of which, that´s a rough language. The grammar is easier than spanish or English but unfornatunately it is nothing like either of them. It´s an indigenous language that is so far from Latin-based I can describe escape to tell you our new favorite Guarani word: Chivivi. Look it up.

What do Peace Corps trainees talk about? Poo- the weather- and who´s hooking up with whom. That is almost it. And I love it!

Sorry this is so short but I have got to get out of this unGodly hot internet cafe before my face melts off. I´ll try to post again next week and thanks to everyone for the support! Miss you all!


  1. Hey Carly! Glad to hear you're there and doing well. (Well, as well as somebody can be when they sweat all day, but you know what I meant.) Heard you were there from Amanda, and realized how long it had been since I checked out the blog.

    Anyway, great to finally get caught up, and I'm looking forward to reading more!

    -Rob (from CHOP)

  2. Ok I will be the first to ask Who are YOU hooking up with?? Good to hear from you.Keep those cards and letters comingI mean blog.yeah thats it blog or bolgs or is it blog-es? JEFF


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