03 February 2011

Carly sent an email, and this stupid computer won't let me copy and paste it

the jist of the email is that she arrived safely. It's hot. Real hot. Enough that she mentions it several times in a 3 paragraph note. She says she meets her host family tonight, and she will have electricity, water and a fan in her room (luxury). She says security is good, and Peace Corps workers are rarely the victims of anything more than petty theft, due to irresponsible behaviors. She is located in Guarambere, about an hour outside of Asuncion if you want to google where she's at. She will also have "lots of animals in the house", so that update should be fun.

It was a short email and I wish I could paste it, she was very upbeat and bubbly.  She starts classes this afternoon (which would be a few hours ago now) and I was so very relieved to hear from her. She's amazed that she's in Paraguay, a worldly traveller of the world now.

Please post a comment, she will be excited to see them. It looks like she got into her gmail account, so if you can, send her a note, she'll be reading them it looks like.

It was great, absolutely great to hear from her....but I miss her.......Margo

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! So glad to hear it :) I'm also excited to hear about the animals...


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